Essay // Fight Club Creator Chuck Palahniuk Spoils Fans With New Projects

1st Rule of Fight Club
When it comes down to modern literature, our generation seems blessed with more than enough ways to feed a reader (or two). Quality on the other hand remains hidden in the far away kingdom of Hard-to-find. As with most things, quantity and quality look likely to remain very far from each other. Yet, Chuck Palahniuk manages to impose his enigmatic stand in the world of modern art; and its darker part. Sombre, twisted (sometimes), thought provoking, passionate, heart breaking, gut-wrenching and the list goes on…

Chuck Palahniuk - Fight Club - Our War

All we’ve come to realise after years of Palahniuk, is that the Washington born author has a prodigious literary touch, and a fine taste for the darker arts… [CONTINUE READING]

21.02.2013 | Danny J. D’Purb |


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